Addressing the causes of chronic disease

Our aim is to create, evaluate and apply innovative clinical and digital health approaches to reduce the burden of cardiometabolic and other chronic conditions.

Combining expertise in research and telecommunications technologies has resulted in what is now known as digital health interventions. By using these health interventions, the centre will cultivate research collaborations in order to develop new approaches to disease prevention and treatment.

To date, our research has demonstrated positive outcomes affecting behavioural and lifestyle changes by utilising digital therapeutics.

Director Professor Clara Chow believes the centre’s unique offering is its location within the Westmead Hospital precinct and its commitment to foster innovative research and ideas.

Our focus is on clinical translational research in the delivery of simple and effective health services to address the causes of chronic diseases affecting the population of western Sydney. Some research projects will be applied to a broader population and has the potential for global application.

WARC is committed to supporting innovative projects, excellence in research, leadership in digital health intervention and evaluation.


My Intelligent Cardiac Assistant – Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease with a mobile health intervention optimised with artificial intelligence

WARC has already developed and supported patients with mHealth text-message programs with basic algorithms to semi-personalise our programs.

MICArdiac aims to improve customisation of our existing digital health interventions by utilising data collected by wireless monitoring devices (such as step count, blood pressure) and machine learning (artificial intelligence) algorithm to deliver personalised education and remote health monitoring with the goal of improving cardiovascular risk factors.

The MICArdiac program will be delivered as in-app notifications through the smartphone MICArdiac app.

Contact: for more information. 

Funding: Tides Foundation (Google AI Impact Challenge)

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